
About R360

Our Story
How We're Different
Meet the Team

About Us

When you join R360, you're more than a member, you're part of a tight-knit community of friends, trusted advisors, and confidants. Whether you're charting a new course after selling a business or protecting multi-generational wealth, our member-led community transforms challenges into avenues for growth and enrichment.

Leading your loved ones through life's significant milestones—college, first jobs, marriages, and grandchildren—your wealth evolves into a multi-faceted family enterprise. At R360, we believe wealth is more than money. It’s a rich tapestry woven from six distinct strands of capital:

  • Financial
  • Intellectual
  • Social
  • Human
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual

While navigating all six can be daunting, you're not in this journey alone. In joining R360, you enter a 15-member circle of exceptional peers and an expert Chair, acting as your family enterprise advisors.

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The soul of R360 is the time you save—time freed up by reshaping formidable tasks into manageable ones, harmonizing complex family dynamics with effortless ease. Our benefits include:

Peer to Peer Networking, Personal & Professional Growth

  • Strategize, Share, and Grow at Regional Chapter Meetings.
  • Aviation, Wellness and Other Interest-driven Circles for members and spouses.
  • An Oasis: No Pitches. No Selling. No Conflicts.
  • Selective and Exclusive: Only 500 Members in the U.S. and 500 Internationally.

Charting the Future: Legacy, Rising Leaders, and Purpose

  • R360's Rising Leaders Programming to Shape the Next Generation.
  • A Documentary of Your Family’s Story to Share.
  • Discover Your Life Purpose: Forging a Legacy Aligned with Your True Calling.

Adventures & Opportunities

  • Fun, Life-Changing Trips All Over the World.
  • The Night Owl News Publication to Uncover Global Opportunities.

Wealth Stewardship & Family Dynamics

  • Succession Planning and Mastering Generational Stewardship.
  • Proprietary Wealth Advisory Selection.
  • Family Meeting Facilitation.

Interested in Becoming Part of Our Community?

Tell us a little more about yourself and one of our Member Experience Directors will reach out to you directly.
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Are you an Adventurer?
An Altruist? An Olympian or Sage?

Take our Archetype Assessment to better understand the unique set of challenges and opportunities that guide you.
Take the assessment

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