Thought Leadership

October 3, 2024

How to Live Your Purpose Every Day

"What's next on my horizon?" It’s a question our members ask time and again.

"What's next on my horizon?" It’s a question our members ask time and again. For some, achievement is the focus, but when the need to grow a business and attain a certain level of financial success subsides, the focus shifts from accumulating wealth to a more profound sense of purpose. Often, we need to tweak our definition of success, and think about the future in terms of creating a meaningful life outside the bounds of professional achievement.

At R360, we firmly believe that a life of purpose is among the most essential elements of true and lasting fulfillment and legacy.

Here are some actionable steps you can take to discover your new purpose, develop habits that align with it, and ensure each day feels intentional, rewarding, and deeply connected to what truly matters.

Defining Your Values & Legacy

Legacy isn’t just about the transfer of wealth; it's also about influence and using that influence for good. You have affected others and the world in which you've lived. A significant part of living each day purposefully involves recognizing that what you say and do can have a ripple effect on the world. Consider how you would like to affect that world.

Purpose is also about aligning with your values and passions. Many of our members believe that purpose has to transcend professional success and the size of net worth. Whether it’s through philanthropy, creativity, or personal growth, purpose should evolve with you.

Purpose most often begins with an understanding of what your core values are. A worthwhile exercise is asking yourself “What is most important to me right now in my life?”


  • Leaving a positive legacy - What would you like to leave behind, not just to your family but also to society?
  • Investing in self-growth - What avenues interest you for personal development—spiritual, intellectual, emotional?
  • Service to others - What kind of causes or communities do you want to get involved with?

Values such as these can help you more clearly see what drives you now and where you would like to focus. Equally as beneficial can be thinking about your passions and hobbies. The answer to the question “What brings me joy?” can help steer your actions.

Actions That Make a Difference

Living a life of purpose requires more than identifying a new goal; it’s about aligning one's daily activities with a more profound sense of meaning.

  1. Be Intentional in Your Actions - Being intentional starts with being deliberate about how you spend your time. Now, freed up from the pressures of running a business, you have the power to direct your attention to activities and relationships that are important to you.  Ways to do this:
    1. Start your day with introspection - Have a morning routine that sets the pace for the day. Meditation, writing in a journal, or time set aside for quiet contemplation allows you to begin your day by focusing on what's important and what you’d like to achieve.
    2. Schedule time for meaningful activities - Whether it's a philanthropic project, family time, or a passion project, make sure your calendar reflects the depth of your life's activities.
  2. Create Value Beyond Yourself - Living your daily purpose often involves consciously contributing to the world outside your immediate circle. These contributions don't have to be grand but rather consistent and meaningful ones that align with your passions and values.
    1. Intentional philanthropy - Giving your time, expertise, and influence to causes you care about is equally important as writing a check. Board involvement, advisory work, and volunteering allow you to connect with the causes that are meaningful.
    2. Mentoring the next generation - Through your established networks you can mentor upcoming entrepreneurs, philanthropists, or even family members who could later manage the family legacy.
  3. Be Mindful of Balance - True purpose is sustainable and best lived when you maintain balance across different aspects of your life, providing a sense of security and control that is essential.
    1. Physical health – Maintaining physical health is often crucial for achieving the energy and mental clarity required to pursue one's passions. Regular exercise, proper nutrition, and mindfulness can all help.
    2. Emotional and relational health – Strengthening and nurturing the most meaningful relationships in your life ensures that your personal life is fulfilling to the same degree as your professional life.
  4. Consider What You Can Improve - Our members value personal growth and maximizing what one can be, inside and out.
    1. Long-term learning - Many members explore new fields of interest now. Long-term learning can continue to bring insights that stimulate new ideas and directions.
    2. Expand your horizons - Use this time to get to know yourself better. Spirituality, philosophy, or even travel may accelerate this process.
  5. Practice Gratitude – Instead of looking for external validation, find satisfaction in the achievement that comes from within.
    1. Practice daily gratitude - Take time daily to be thankful for what you have achieved, the people in your life, and the opportunities you have.
    2. Milestone Events - You don't have to wait for giant achievements to celebrate your progress. Celebrate small wins along personal growth routes.

Living a Purposeful Life

A life purpose beyond notions of financial success is highly personal and, at times, fluid. For UHNWIs, the challenge is often to find that purpose and knit it into daily life. You can be purposeful each day and grow a significant personal legacy extending well beyond financial wealth by staying in touch with your values, contributing meaningfully, and attending to personal growth.

At R360, we believe it’s not what one has achieved but how one continues to shape the world around them. Your purpose can be your biggest asset. Live it every day.

Disclosure: R360 is not an investment adviser. Information provided within is for educational purposes only and should not be construed, nor is intended to be, investment advice or a recommendation to invest in any types of securities. R360’s views are subject to change at any point without notice. No investment decision should be made based solely on the content herein and only a financial professional should be engaged for providing investment advice and recommendations. Past performance is not an indication of future returns.

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