Chapter Director South Florida & New York
Responsibilities in R360 – “I am in charge for allthe R360 member meetings operations and logistics from Inception to End –including project management, production of materials, data reporting, customerservice/interaction with the members and onsite coordination for the chapterChairs. I coordinate all presentationevents and requirements with the venues, presenters, vendors and serviceproviders. My job also involves interaction with the R360 departments to make surewe have the appropriate resources and supplies to have successful meetings anduseful data and tools.
I also support the sales/recruiting process withdocumentation, data reports, scheduling, and research.
Feel free to contact her if you have any questions about– How Chapters work, also:, TypeForm (surveys), Outlook calendar,HubSpot, Ramp, MSOffice suite
Personal tidbit about her - I’m married with no kids.